- Includes every change in Yoast SEO core 3.3.3 and 3.3.4, see the core changelog.
Yoast SEO Premium changelog
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- Includes every change in Yoast SEO 3.3.2.
- Fixes a bug with redirects on a subsite in a multisite installation, props nicholas-eden.
- Fixes a bug where the tabs inside the metabox weren't aligned properly.
- Includes every change in Yoast SEO 3.3.1.
- Add author name support to the social previews.
- Add a tab inside the help center to contact support, this replaces the question mark at the bottom right of the page.
- Fixes a bug where the redirects couldn't be saved to the .htaccess in certain scenarios.
- Fixes a bug where subdomains would be stripped from target URLs in the redirects.
- Fixes a bug where the Redirection import wasn't present.
- Includes every change in Yoast SEO 3.3.0.
- Fixes "undefined index" notices when Facebook and/or Twitter have been disabled in settings.
- Fixes a bug when writing 4xx redirects into the .htaccess file on Apache.
- Includes every change in Yoast SEO 3.2.5.
- Fixes a regression where the post URL would be numerical when no post title was set.
- Fixes an issue that would cause notifications not to be dismissed even though they should be.
- These changes bring Yoast SEO Premium in line with Yoast SEO free 3.2.4.
- Fixes a bug where notification for a deleted post wasn't shown.
- Includes every change in Yoast SEO 3.2.3.
- Includes every change in Yoast SEO 3.2.1.
- Introduces social previews, you can now see what your posts will look like when they are shared on Facebook and Twitter.
- The previews will automatically show you when your image is too small.
- You can use all replace variables you are used to in the Facebook and Twitter previews.
- Removes the tutorial video page, the videos are now available on every tab.
- Fixes a bug where Yoast SEO Premium would fatal when activating while Yoast SEO was active.
- Fixes a bug where the home URL wasn't correctly stripped from the redirect old URL.
- Fixes a bug where clicking the 'Update now' button on the plugin page didn't update correctly.
- Includes every change in Yoast SEO 3.2.0.
- Fixes a few bugs related to term slugs that were altered by our plugin after they were saved. This especially caused issues for terms with parents. We will simply not touch term slugs anymore until the way terms are saved is fixed in WordPress, see also https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/22293.
- Fixes a bug where we would create redirects if nav menu items were edited.
- Fixes a bug where redirects to urls with url parameters got appended with a slash.
- Fixes a bug where adding a parent to a page would cause the slug of that page to detected by us as non-unique and incremented with a number.
- Fixes a bug where the AJAX request for creating redirects in the search console integration was broken for search console issues for which a 4xx redirect already exists.
- Merge with Yoast SEO 3.1.2.
- Fixes a bug where PHP redirects were still broken on servers that disable accessing the server input by making use of the filter extension.
- Merge with Yoast SEO 3.1.1.
- Fixes a bug where PHP redirects were broken.
- Fixes a bug where users could (temporarily) lose their redirects if our upgrade routine would for some reason not be triggered while updating to versions greater than 3.0.7
- Fixes a bug where slashes were shown in the redirect manager for a redirect without a target url (ie. 410)
- Fixes a Fatal error that occurred when switching from Free to Premium.
- Made PHP redirects faster and more efficient.
- Added an interface to easily serve 410 (content deleted) headers for posts you have just deleted.
- Added support for creating 451 (legal takedown) headers in the redirect manager.
- Improved existing validations, ensuring redirects are complete and unique.
- Added a validation error that checks for a redirect loop.
- Added validation warnings for the following cases:
- when a redirect points to an url that is redirected.
- when a redirect point to a url that cannot be resolved.
- when a redirect points to a url that doesn't return a 200 OK status code.
- Changed the interface for inline editing of redirects to resemble the redirect form used to add redirects.
- Fixes a possible fatal error on update.
- Replaced checkboxes and radio buttons with toggles on the Premium settings pages.
- Makes sure post / term slugs uniqueness checks also take into account redirects.
- Makes sure redirected are redirected both with and without trailing slash.
- Takes the WP permalink structure into account in deciding if we should redirect to a slug with or without trailing slash.
- Makes sure links to our knowledge base open in a new window.
- Added a few knowledge base suggestions to our support beacon on the redirects page.
- Merge with Yoast SEO 3.1.
- Merge with Yoast SEO 3.0.7.
- Merge with Yoast SEO 3.0.6.
- Fixed performance issues in custom fields integration.
- Merge with Yoast SEO 3.0.5.
- Merge with Yoast SEO 3.0.4.
- Merge with Yoast SEO 3.0.3.
- Merge with Yoast SEO 3.0.2.
- Merge with Yoast SEO 3.0.1.
- Merge with Yoast SEO 3.0, including the realtime content analysis tool and social settings for taxonomies.
- Added possibility to analyze multiple keywords per post/page.
- Added support beacon to all the Yoast SEO settings pages, allowing users to ask for support straight from their WordPress backends.
- Merge with Yoast SEO 2.3.5
- Merge with Yoast SEO 2.3.4
- Added a filter
that allows webmasters to hide the Yoast SEO Premium version number in the debug marker. - Merge with Yoast SEO 2.3.3
- Merge with Yoast SEO 2.3.2
- Fixes a bug where the .htaccess redirect import was no longer available.
- Fixes a bug where upgrading to version 2.3 would occasionally cause WSOD's on both admin and frontend. We were unable to pinpoint the exact conflicting plugins and themes, but we are quite confident it was caused by us using, and others hooking into, WP_Query too early.
- Merge with Yoast SEO 2.3.1
- Renamed plugin to "Yoast SEO Premium"
- Fixed compatibility issue with Post type order plugin.
- Merge with Yoast SEO 2.3
- Fixed a bug that would create unnecessary (and sometimes even faulty) redirects.
- Added a Japanese translation and updated several other languages.
- Merge with Yoast SEO 2.2.1
- Adds an X-Redirect-By header to redirects that were created using WordPress SEO Premium. Works for all PHP redirects and regular NGINX redirects. Doesn't work for Apache.
- Makes sure all AJAX notices become dismissible.
- Makes sure the redirect notice also shows the old and new url.
- Fixes a bug where the link in the redirect notice was not clickable in some cases.
- Fixes a bug where we offered the user the possibility to undo creating a redirect that was never created in the first place.
- Fixes a bug where clicking a link to our knowledge base about redirect types triggered a notice instead of taking the user to the right page.
- Fixes a bug where in some cases no tab was selected after reloading the crawl issues in the GWT settings.
- Fixes a bug where automatic redirects where being created for unpublished posts.
- Fixes a bug where automatic redirects where not being created on slug change when using quick edit for both posts and terms.
- Fixes a bug where where automatic redirects where not being created on slug change for custom taxonomies.
- Fixes a bug where a slug change could falsely be detected and redirected in case of a term update in the context of a post update
- Merge with Yoast SEO 2.2
- Merge with Yoast SEO 2.1.1
- Merge with WordPress SEO core 2.1
- Merge with WordPress SEO core 2.0.1
- Merge with WordPress SEO core 2.0
- Made the version number for the Premium plugin the same as for the Free plugin to avoid confusion.
- Contains several performance improvements, making the plugin much faster.
- Security hotfix: Merge with Yoast SEO 1.7.4.
- Merge with WordPress SEO core
- Merge with WordPress SEO core
- Added the possibility to add 410 status to redirects.
- Added a few validations to prevent circular redirects.
- Reuses translations from the free version of this plugin, thereby dramatically reducing the amount of strings that need to be translated for the premium plugin.
- Merge with WordPress SEO core 1.7.3
- Security hotfix: Merge with Yoast SEO 1.7.1.
- Merge with WordPress SEO core 1.7
- Fixes a bug where authentication with Google Webmaster Tools would fail silently.
- Fixes a bug where redirects weren't written to .htaccess.
- Added filters for hiding redirects notifications.
- Merge with WordPress SEO core 1.6.3
- Merge with WordPress SEO core 1.6.2
- Implement new filter for issue types on the Google Webmaster Tools issues screen
- Merge with WordPress SEO core 1.6.1
- Merge with WordPress SEO core 1.6
- Merge with WordPress SEO core 1.5.6, updated for WP 4.0
- Fix incomplete merge with WordPress SEO core to
- Updated WordPress SEO core to
- Fixed bug in core WordPress SEO that made SEO icon value wrong.
- Updated WordPress SEO core to
- Fix versioning issue
Contains all the changes done in WordPress SEO core, it's now equal to Yoast SEO This release adds a full set of Video Tutorials for both editors and the WP SEO settings, available in the WordPress admin: